Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Mindfulness mice

Scientists in Oregon have been shining lights at genetically engineered mice to show how theta brainwaves help us relax. New Scientist, 25Feb.

Monday, 6 March 2017


Now that Otto’s finally out it’s time to return to the follow up. Here are some character designs I’ve been working on in my sketchbook.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Otto Dinosaur Hunter!

Wahoo! Otto’s finally available on Comixology:

Otto Dinosaur Hunter!

Otto Dinosaur Hunter!

Written by: Nick Roberts
Art by: Nick Roberts
Price: $1.99

Otto Dinosaur Hunter! is a (mostly) wordless comic which has been designed to help develop your child's language and communication skills by enabling them to tell the story to you instead of the other way around.
The easy to follow pictures provide plenty of scope for your child to interpret and communicate the tale in their own words, with plenty of action and humour to push their vocabulary and story-telling skills through multiple re-readings.

Buy now on comiXology!

Sunday, 26 February 2017

New book on Comixology

Just got the good news last week that Comixology will be releasing my new book, Otto Dinosaur Hunter, on Wednesday. In the meantime here are a few images.